Learners new to implementation science quickly reach absorptive capacity. So, how to you make it simpler to understand? Read on!
Read MoreLearners new to implementation science quickly reach absorptive capacity. So, how to you make it simpler to understand? Read on!
Read MoreAs we welcome 2022, the healthcare landscape is replete with organizations whose main purpose is to disseminate empirically supported evidence to a wide range of knowledge users. To be sure, getting evidence to the right people, at the right time, and in the right format remains an important goal, and we are still building capacity…
Read MoreI teach two professional development courses directed at knowledge translation practitioners (KTPs), also commonly known as knowledge brokers. For the decade and a half since these courses launched, it has been interesting to see how the KT workforce has evolved. My workshops have engaged over 3,500 individuals and numerous organizations, and though some participants have been uniquely in…
Read MoreI review many research grants, and as a result, read many research-related knowledge translation plans. Two insights have emerged from this activity. Insight One: KT requires purpose When you read a lot of KT plans, patterns begin to emerge. KT plans have improved over the years. They used to comprise one or two sentences on how…
Read MoreThe language we use for concepts is important because common understanding shapes our world. By avoiding confusion in nomenclature, we better understand the world around us, and as researchers or practitioners, we deepen our knowledge base and move it forward. Shared language helps us communicate more effectively and is critical to collaboration and co-creation, which…
Read MoreImplementation science is the scientific study of methods that support the adoption of evidence based interventions into a particular setting (e.g., health, mental health, community, education, global development). Implementation methods take the form of strategies and processes that are designed to facilitate the uptake, use, and ultimately the sustainability – or what I like to call the ‘evolvability’ – of empirically-supported…
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